Natalie Castellanos Ryan
- Professeure agrégée
Faculté des arts et des sciences - École de psychoéducation
Marie-Victorin local C464
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, Psychologie , King's College London (Royaume-Uni)
, Éducation comparée , University of Oxford (Royaume-Uni)
, Psychologie , ITESO (Mexique)
Natalie Castellanos-Ryan est chercheuse au CHU Sainte-Justine de Montréal et professeure adjointe à l'École de psychoéducation, Université de Montréal. Auparavant, elle était stagiaire postdoctorale au Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine et au Département de psychiatrie, Université de Montréal (2010-2014). Elle a complété son doctorat à l'Institut de psychiatrie, King’s College London (2009), où une grande partie de son travail était centré sur la mise en œuvre et l'évaluation d'une approche ciblant les facteurs de risque de la personnalité pour la prévention ou l’intervention précoce de la consommation de drogues et d'autres problèmes de comportement à l'adolescence.
- Membre – GRIP — Groupe de recherche sur l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant
- Membre – Centre de recherche Azrieli du CHU Sainte-Justine
- Membre – OPES — Observatoire pour l'Éducation et la Santé des enfants
Programmes d’enseignement
- Maîtrise en linguistique – Lettres et langues
- Microprogramme de 2e cycle en statistiques sociales – Sciences pures et sciences appliquées Sciences sociales
- Maîtrise en psychoéducation - Campus Montréal – Sciences sociales Sciences sociales : intervention
- Diplôme complémentaire de 2e cycle en psychoéducation – Sciences sociales Sciences sociales : intervention
- Maîtrise en psychoéducation - Campus Laval – Sciences sociales Sciences sociales : intervention
- Doctorat en linguistique – Lettres et langues
- Doctorat en psychoéducation – Sciences sociales Sciences sociales : intervention
Cours donnés
- PSE6573 Méthodes quantitatives - psychoéducation
- Adolescence
- Transition à l'âge adulte
- Développement cognitif
- Évaluation de programmes
- Personnalité
- Impulsivité
- Méthodes quantitatives
- Méthodes psychométriques
- Prévention
- Psychopathologie développementale
- Tempérament
- Trajectoires développementales
- Troubles extériorisés
- Toxicomanie
- Problèmes de santé mentale
- Science de la prévention
Ma recherche porte sur l'étude :
1) du développement de la toxicomanie et les troubles de santé mentale,
2) des facteurs de risque partagés entre les troubles de santé mentale, en particulier les troubles extériorisés, et
3) leur prévention.
Intérêts plus spécifiques comprennent comment les déficits d'autorégulation (l'impulsivité), ainsi que le développement pubertaire et cognitif, prédisent les problèmes de toxicomanie et la comorbidité psychopathologique chez les jeunes, et comment la personnalité et les facteurs environnementaux sont impliqués dans ces associations.
Encadrement Tout déplier Tout replier
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Projets de recherche Tout déplier Tout replier
Pubertal development and mental health in the 3D Cohort Study: Key biological, sociocultural and environmental correlates of puberty and their longitudinal association with mental health outcomes in boys and girls Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2030
Prospective PET Study of High-Risk Youth Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2029
Longitudinal associations between cannabis and polysubstance use and neurocognition across youth (13-27 years): Evidence from two prospective birth cohorts Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2028
Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant (GRIP). ( GRIPSYENF ) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2028
Le développement et la prévention de la consommation de substances et de problémes de santé mentale chez les jeunes Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2026
Transitioning to Adulthood: Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health Problems (MHP's) between Adolescence and Adulthood in a representattive Population Sample Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2026
Canadian Cannabis and Psychosis Research Team (CCPRT) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2026
From birth to adulthood: The role of age of cannabis use onset in the individual and environmental developmental pathways leading to substance use problems. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2026
Life History Research Society Conference 2024 Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2025
The role of age of cannabis use onset in the developmental pathways leading to substance use problems by early adulthood: key mediators and moderators. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2024
Talking at home and at school: The developmental trajectory of oral language among young children who speak minority languages Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2024
Temporal effects of alcohol and polysubstance use on neurocognition across youth (13-25 years): Evidence from a prospective birth cohort Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2023
Pairs, prévention et développement psychosocial des enfants et des adolescents Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2023
Challenges to the vulnerable child in the transitions from preschool to grade school in a pregnancy cohort Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2023
Exploring cannabis use and mental health in sexually and gender diverse youth: A qualitative, community-based study Projet de recherche au Canada / 2021 - 2022
Facteurs cognitifs trans-diagnostiques et la prévention des troubles extériorisés. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2022
Shared and specific risk factors for early onset cannabis and other substance use and later substance use disorders: can we predict who will initiate cannabis use early and who will develop future substance use problems? Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2020
Facteurs cognitifs trans-diagnostiques et la prévention des troubles extériorisés. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2020
Gestion des comportements au préscolaire et préparation à l'entrée à l'école Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2020
Targeting impulsivity in early childhood in the prevention of externalizing psychopathology: Using RCT to test developmental models of individual (biology/dispositional) factors by environment interaction Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2018
Maternal stress, depression and anxiety during pregnancy and associations with biomarkers of stress in a Canadian pregnancy cohort. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2017
Maternal stress, depression and anxiety during pregnancy and early child development: A study of psychosocial and biological mechanisms Projet de recherche au Canada / 2016 - 2017
Publications Tout déplier Tout replier
- Dupont, C., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Séguin, J., Muckle, G., Simard, M.-N., Shapiro, G.D., Herba, C., Fraser, W., & Lippé, S. (in press) The Predictive Value of Head Circumference Growth during the First Year of Life on Early Child Traits. Scientific Reports (Nature).
- Newton, N.C., Stapinski, L., Slade, T., Champion, K.E., Barrett, E.L., Chapman, C., Smout, A., Lawler, S., Mather, M., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Conrod, P.J. & Teesson, M. (in press). Pathways to prevention: Protocol for the CAP (Climate and Preventure) study to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of school-based universal, selective and combined alcohol misuse prevention into early adulthood. BMC Public Health.
- Baker, T.E., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Schumann, G., Cattrell, A., Flor, H., Nees, F., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Whelan, B., Bueche, C., Bromberg, U., Papadopoulos Orfanos, D., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Heinz, A., Walter, H., Brühl, R., Gowland, P., Paus, T., Poustka, L., Martinot, J.-L., Lemaitre, H., Artiges, E., Paillère Martinot, M.-L., Smolka, M.N., Conrod, P.J. and the Imagen Consortium (In press). Modulation of orbitofrontal-striatal reward activity by dopaminergic functional polymorphisms contributes to a predisposition to alcohol misuse in early adolescence. Psychological Medicine.
- *Rioux, C., **Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E. & Séguin, J. (in press) Age of cannabis use onset and adult drug abuse symptoms: a prospective study of common risk factors and indirect effects. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
- Perrier-Ménard, E., Castellanos Ryan, N., O'Leary-Barrett, M., Girard, Al., Conrod, P. (2017) The impact of youth internalising and externalising symptom severity on the effectiveness of brief personality-targeted interventions for substance misuse: A cluster randomised trial. Addictive behaviors, 75, 138-144.
- Brière, F.N., Pascal, S., Dupéré, V., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Allard, F., Yale-Soulière, G. & Janosz, M. (2017) Internalizing symptoms and the risk of secondary school dropout. British Journal of Psychiatry, 211, 163-168.
- Fernández-Calderón, F., Díaz Batanero, C., Lozano, O. M., Rojas Tejada. A.J., Castellanos-Ryan, N. (2017). Psychometric properties of the substance use risk profile scale: the Spanish version for the European context. Adicciones, 0, 909.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Séguin, J. (2017) Adolescent Cannabis Use, change in neurocognitive function at 20 years of age, and high-school graduation: a prospective longitudinal/observational study. Development and Psychopathology, 29 (4), 1253-1266. DOI:
- MacLeod, A., Castellanos Ryan, N., Parent, S., Jacques, S., Séguin, J. (2017). Modelling vocabulary development among multilingual children prior to and following school entry. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI:
- *Marschall-Lévesque, S., **Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Renaud, J., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E. & Séguin, J.R. (2017) Peer Victimization, Suicidal Ideation and Alcohol use in Adolescence: a Longitudinal Study Supporting the Self-Medication Model. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60 (4), 380-387.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Briére, F.N., O’Leary-Barrett, M., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A.L.W., Bromberg, U., Büchel, C., Flor, H., Frouin, V., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Martinot, J.L., Nees, F., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Rietschel, M., Robbins, T.W., Smolka, M.N., Whelan, R., Schumann, G., Conrod, P.J., and the IMAGEN Consortium (2016).The structure of psychopathology in adolescence and its common personality and cognitive correlates, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 1039-1052.
- *Rioux, C., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., & Séguin, J.R. (2016).The interaction between temperament and family factors in adolescent substance use and externalizing problems: Diathesis-stress or differential susceptibility? Developmental Review, 40, 117-150.
- *Rioux, C., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., & Séguin, J.R. (2016) Differential susceptibility to environmental influences: Interaction between child temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol use. Development and Psychopathology, 28, 265-275.
- Newton, N., Barrett, E., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Kelly, E., Champion, K., Stapinksi, L., Conrod, P., Slade, T., Nair, N., Teesson, M. (2016). The validity of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) among Australian adolescents and comparisons with the United Kingdom. Addictive Behaviours, 53, 23-30.
- O’Leary-Barrett, M., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Pihl, R.O., Conrod, P.J. (2016) Mechanisms of personality-targeted intervention effects on adolescent alcohol misuse, internalising and externalising symptoms. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 438-452.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Struve, M., Whelan, R., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Bokde, A.L.W., Bromberg, U., Büchel, C., Flor, H., Fauth-Bühler, M., Frouin, V., Gallinat, J., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Itterman, I., Lawrence, C., Martinot, J.L., Nees, F., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Rietschel, M., Robbins, T.W., Smolka, M.N., Schumann, G., Garavan, H., Conrod, P.J., and the IMAGEN Consortium (2014). Neurocognitive correlates of the common and specific variance across symptoms of externalizing behavior in adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171:1310–1319.
- Stringaris, A.┼,Castellanos-Ryan, N.┼, Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Bokde, A.L.W., Bromberg, U., Büchel, C., Flor, H., Fauth-Bühler, M., Frouin,V., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Gowland,P., Heinz, A., Itterman, I., Lawrence, C., Martinot, J.L., Nees, F., Paillere-Martinot, M.-L., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Rietschel, M., Robbins, T.W., Schumann, G., Smolka, M.N., Goodman, R., Conrod, P.J., and the IMAGEN Consortium. (2014) Mania symptoms in adolescents: two dimensions with differential links to cognitive performance and neural circuitry. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55, 1380-9. (┼Both authors contributed equally to the accomplishment of this work).
- Robles-García, R., Fresán, A., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Conrod, P.J., Gómez D., G. de Quevedo y Domínguez, M.E., Raffulf, C., Real, T., Vásquez, L. & Medina-Mora, M.E. (2014). Spanish version of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in Mexican adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 220, 1113-7.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Séguin, J.R., Vitaro, F., Parent, S., & Tremblay, R.E. (2013). A multimodal intervention for disruptive kindergarten children reduces substance-use across adolescence: a randomized control trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 203, 188-195.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., & Séguin, J.R. (2013). Pubertal development, personality and substance use: A 10-year longitudinal study from childhood to adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 782-796.
- *Montigny, C., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Whelan, R., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Büchel, C., Flor, H., Ittermann, B., Mann, K., Martinot, J-L.; Nees, F. , Lathrop, M., Loth, E., Paus, T., Pausova, Z.,Rietschel, M., Robbins, T., Schumann, G., Smolka, M.N.,Gallinat, J., Struve, M., Garavan H.,Conrod, P. and the IMAGEN Consortium. (2013). A phenotypic structure and neural correlates of compulsive-like behaviors in adolescents. PlosOne, 8 (11), e80151.
- *Marschall-Lévesque, S., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Vitaro, F. & Séguin, J.R. (2013). Moderators of Peer Influence on Adolescent Substance Use. Addictive Behaviors, 39 (1), 48-70.
- O’Leary-Barrett, M., *Topper, L., Al-Khudhairy, N., Pihl, R.O., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Mackie, C.J., Conrod, P.J. (2013). Two-year impact on internalising and externalising problems in youth: a randomised controlled trial of brief, personality-targeted, teacher-delivered interventions. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, 911-920.
- *Castonguay-Jolin, L., *Perrier-Ménard, E., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Garel, P., Séguin, J.R., & Conrod, P.J. (2013).Validation de la traduction française du SURPS pour une population d'adolescents québécois. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 58, 538–545.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., O’Leary-Barrett, M., & Conrod, P.J. (2013). Substance-use in childhood and adolescence: Developmental processes and their clinical implications. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 22, 41-46.
- Pingault, J.B.,Côte, S., Booij, L., Ouellet-Morin, I., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Vitaro, F.,Turecki, G.,& Tremblay, R.E. (2013). Age-dependent Effect of MAOA Gene on Physical Aggression and Criminality? Evidence from a Longitudinal Sample of Boys. Molecular Psychiatry, 18 (11), 1151.
- Mackie, C., O’Leary-Barrett, M., Al-Khudhairy, N., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Struve, M.,*Topper, L., & Conrod, P.J. (2013). Adolescent bullying, cannabis use and emerging psychotic experiences: A longitudinal general population study. Psychological Medicine, 7, 1-12.
- Conrod, P.J., O’Leary-Barrett, M., Newton, N., *Topper, L., Al-Khudhairy, N., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Mackie, C. (2013). A cluster randomized trial demonstrates the effectiveness of a selective, personality-targeted prevention program for adolescent alcohol misuse. JAMA-Psychiatry (formerly, Archives of General Psychiatry), 70, 334-342.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., O’Leary-Barrett, M., Sully, L., & Conrod, P. (2012). Sensitivity and Specificity of a Brief Personality Screening Instrument in Predicting Future Substance Use, Emotional and Behavioral Problems. 18-Month Predictive Validity of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, E281-E290.
Communications Tout déplier Tout replier
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Brière, F.N., O’Leary-Barrett, M., Conrod, P. (2017). The structure of psychopathology in adolescence: Invariance across sex and countries, and its personality and cognitive correlates. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, April 4-9, Austin, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.* (2016) Is cannabis use during adolescence associated with poor cognitive, academic and drug use outcomes in adulthood? Invited lecture, Journée de Conférences Scientifiques ouvert au grand public « Cannabis and youth health – Recent findings and implications for Canadian drug policy”, Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, April 5, Montreal CA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.* (2015) Understanding adolescent substance use, comorbid psychopathology and its prevention. Invited lecture, Programme des Conférences Scientifiques du Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, June 30, Montreal CA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Séguin, J. (2015) Adolescent Cannabis Use, change in neurocognitive function at 20 years of age, and high-school graduation: a longitudinal observational study. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, March 19-21, Philadelphia, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Séguin, J. (2014). Early adolescent cannabis use is linked to problems in learning by trial-and-error in young adult males. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Life History Research Society, May 8-10, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Séguin, J. (2014). Is Cannabis Use During Adolescence Associated with Cognitive Impairments in Young Adulthood? Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 20-23, Austin, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Struve, M., Whelan, R., Garavan, H., Conrod, P., the IMAGEN consortium (2013). The role of impulsivity in the phenotypic structure of adolescent substance use and conduct disorder symptoms. Paper presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 22-26, Orlando, USA.
- Séguin, J., Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Parent, S., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E. (2013). An intervention for disruptive behavior in childhood reduces substance use across adolescence. Paper presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 22-26, Orlando, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Séguin, J.R. , Vitaro, F., Parent, S., & Tremblay, R.E. (2013). An Intervention for Disruptive Behavior in Childhood Reduces Adolescent Substance Use in Boys. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, April 17-20, Seattle, USA.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Conrod, P. J., Arseneault, L., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E., Séguin, J. R. (2012). The structure and stability of substance use and conduct disorder symptoms across adolescence. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Life History Research Society, October 3-6, London, UK.
- Castellanos-Ryan, N.*, Vitaro, F., Parent, S., Tremblay, R.E., & Séguin, J.R. (2012). An intervention for disruptive behavior in childhood reduces substance use across adolescence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Life History Research Society, October 3-6, London, UK.
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